LiftWEC PhD available at Queen’s University Belfast

The need to develop renewable energy technologies continues to grow as the impact of climate change becomes more evident. Ocean wave energy is a significant source of renewable energy that remains untapped and requires further research and development to make it technologically and economically viable.

This PhD project involves both numerical and physical modelling of a lift-based wave energy converter. The outcome of this numerical and physical modelling will be an improved understanding of the fundamental hydrodynamics of lift-based wave energy converters. It is intended that this understanding will be used to develop a novel configuration of a lift-based wave energy converter.

Applicants are expected to have an MEng or MSc or equivalent with a background in engineering, physics or applied mathematics. It is intended that the successful candidate will work closely with both the research team at QUB as well as the other members of the LiftWEC project consortium in developing the models of lift-based wave energy converters and the analysis of research findings. The successful candidate will acquire expertise in fluid mechanics and skills in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), experimental design and physical model testing.

Where possible the PhD student will have opportunity for travel to international conferences and is expected to participate in the broader marine energy community by presenting at events such as the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC). Such events will provide a platform to develop a network of professional contacts for further career progression.

The deadline for applications is Monday 8th June 2020.

To apply, please visit:


• Apply for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Natural and Built Environment (subject: Civil Engineering)
• State name of the lead supervisor as ‘Carwyn Frost’ on application
• State ‘EPSRC funded 3.5 years DTP’ as Intended Source of Funding


Applicants should use the ‘Research Proposal’ section to provide a 500-word (maximum) discussion of the project description outlining:
• Understanding of the proposed research question(s) aims and objectives
• The broader context of the research and its relevance to engineering and science
• A methodological approach to the work
• Options for analysis the data gathered


The successful candidate will be funded through an EPSRC 3.5 year doctoral training partnership, including stipend and Home/EU fees. Candidates must have been ordinarily resident in the UK for 3 years (with no restrictions). EU residents may be eligible for a fees-only studentship.


For queries relating to the project, studentship, funding or application process please contact Dr Carwyn Frost at