WP04 - Physical Modelling

Work Package 04 - Physical Modelling

ECN will lead WP04, organising and carrying out the physical testing of two small scale models in a two-dimensional configuration, and that of a larger scale model in a more complex three-dimensional configuration. WP04 will interface closely with WP03 (Numerical modelling) and WP05 (Control strategies) in order to obtain inputs for the design of the models. It will feed back WP03 with results from experimental tests, in order to validate the numerical model used for design. Interaction with WP06 will be needed also, in order to provide requirements concerning the instrumentation used for measurement of structural loads. Objectives of WP04 are as follows:

  • To generate experimental data for the validation/calibration of numerical simulations undertaken in WP03
  • To carry out physical modelling of the most promising concept at larger scale, in more complex and realistic wave climates, for validation of numerical models and design engineering

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