WP01 - Project Management

Work Package 01 - Project Management

This work package covers the activities of the Project Coordinator (QUB) in managing the consortium. Management activities must be adapted to the needs of the project as it evolves, but will include at least:

  • Organize communication between the Consortium and the Commission concerning project progress and execution of the Grant Agreement.
  • Set up and run financial accounting and budget reporting processes between the Consortium and the Commission.
  • Coordinate progress reporting within the Consortium by Work-package Leaders, and between the Coordinator and the Commission.
  • Monitor the progress of individual work packages, in terms of production of deliverables according to schedule, and other key indicators of progress.
  • Continuously monitor significant project risks: identify, assess probability and consequences, and devise mitigation strategies.
  • Deal with any conflicts which may arise between project participants (in accordance with the principles defined in the Project Management section.
  • Propose any modifications in the project plan which might be necessary in the light of experience in actually running the project, or due to factors external to the project. Carry out the formal steps needed to obtain approval by Consortium members and the Commission.
  • Organize and run project management and steering group meetings.
  • Ensure compliance with, and manage any changes to, the Consortium Agreement.

QUB will be the primary contributor (and leader) of this work package and be responsible for producing the progress reports and final report. QUB will be in charge of developing the project quality handbook. All other partners will allocate one person-month to the management activities required.

Partners Involved