Work Package 09 Update - Project Month 15

Work on the environmental and social acceptance of LiftWEC has continued to seek and assess relevant environmental and social influences on LiftWEC design criteria as outlined in Deliverable 9.1: “Identification of potential technology stressors and environmental receptors of the LiftWEC technology”. This report identifies potential wave energy technology stressors on environmental and socioeconomic receptors and suggests possible mitigation measures to address those impacts.

In addition, work has also begun on completing an Environmental Impact Assessment scoping exercise for the LiftWEC technology, which will include identification of potential environmental impacts to be considered, a list of possible mitigation measures to be implemented during all project phases and the main type of monitoring activities to be undertaken during a prototype and pre-commercial testing phase of the LiftWEC device.

Work is also ongoing on completion of a literature review on the latest Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies carried out in the marine renewable energy sector, and the development of a template to request data from partners on the LiftWEC configuration (life cycle stages, components and sub-components, materials, processes, transport) for the LCA methodology.