Work Package 03 Update - Project Month 06
Hydrodynamic modelling will be used to investigate the hydrodynamics of lift-based Wave Energy Converters and to analyse the performance of potential LiftWEC systems. A variety of numerical models will be developed to achieve these goals. These will range from low-fidelity, global models which will employ analytical and semi-analytical methods to investigate long term performance to high-fidelity RANS simulations which will be used to investigate finer details of the fluid-structure interaction and estimate extreme loads in heavy seas.
It has been decided that three separate numerical methods will be developed in the LiftWEC project to provide a range of solutions/fidelities. These are:
- A lifting-line model coupled to a panel method (termed the Global Model),
- A non-linear Rankine-type panel method, and
- A RANS-based Computational Fluid Dynamics method.
First test runs to assess the capabilities of each tool have been conducted and validation exercises completed. Preliminary validation and verification exercises are ongoing using the available scientific literature from both wave energy other fields. The Global Model, which is described in Deliverable D3.1 “Uncoupled Model of LiftWEC for Preliminary Concept Assessment”, has been successfully tested in a wide variety of coupled simulations expected to cover the range of hydrodynamic conditions likely to be required, including the response of a floating structure to irregular waves.