Extreme Wave Load Dataset
The LiftWEC project has published a new public dataset! The dataset can be downloaded from the LiftWEC Zenodo repository here.
This dataset contains numerical simulation results obtained from extreme wave impact in the LiftWEC rotor obtained using the high-fidelity RANS model employed in the LiftWEC project. An elaborate description of the numerical simulation setup as well as the discussion of the obtained results is available in LiftWEC deliverable D3.5 Extreme Load Analysis Report, also available in the LiftWEC zenodo-community or via the project website liftwec.com.
The RANS-based investigation looked into maximum forces obtained using different extreme wave generation mechanisms as well as for different configurations of rotor and foil angle and rotor submergence. The dataset features images of different flow field variables throughout the simulation and time series of obtained forces in horizontal and vertical direction. In combination with the report, the datasets should allow to replicate all investigated design wave cases.