D5.2 Validated numerical model with real-time computational capabilities
This deliverable is associated with Task 5.2 and is in the form of a software tool that will allow the investigation of different control strategies for the LiftWEC concept and as a basis for the model based control design. Originally it was supposed to be a software tool accompanied by a report that describes the model development process and validation. However, in this deliverable we also present a new analytical model, which is derived for a horizontal cyclorotor with two hydrofoils in the polar coordinate system. It is relatively simple, fast, and suitable for the analytical and numerical study of cyclorotor-based WECs, as well as control system development. This was achieved by using new analytical formulae, which were derived by the authors and validated with numerical and experimental results published in previous research [1-4] as well as experimental results which were obtained by LiftWEC WP04 – physical modelling [5-7]. These new formulae significantly decrease the calculation time, compared to previous models [2,4], and increase the accuracy of the results, as well as providing useful insight into the nature of the system behaviour. The model has been published in the Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy [8] and presented at the 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference [9]. The published model has attracted the attention of the Atargis Energy Corporation [1], who reproduced the published results, confirmed the benefits of the new model, and provided us with useful feedback. Based on their feedback we have submitted an erratum with minor corrections of the model article text [10]. Recently, the members of LiftWEC WP03 – Numerical Modelling from Hamburg University of Technology have started the development of the software “HydraLift” which is also based on the developed mathematical model for cyclorotor-based WEC [8-10]. This software has been licensed by the End-User License Agreement (“EULA”). However, in the Appendix of this deliverable you can find an open-source Python code which represents the case described in [9]