D2.7 Report on Synthesis of Design Knowledge
This document constitutes Deliverable ‘D2.7 Report on Synthesis of Design Knowledge’ of the LiftWEC project. LiftWEC is a collaborative research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 851885. It is the intention of the project consortium that the LiftWEC project culminates in the identification of one or more promising configurations of a Wave Energy Converter operating through the use of a rotating hydrofoil that generates lift as the primary interaction with the incident waves. This report is intended to provide a foundation of the knowledge required to undertake the design of LiftWEC configurations in the project and is a natural extension of D2.1, Preliminary Report on Synthesis of Design Knowledge.
In this document the design knowledge is separated into the four fundamental design categories together with their sub-divisions used in the Preliminary Report (D2.1): hydrodynamics, structure, power train and marine operations to support cross-referencing if desired, plus a cross-cutting category that captures design knowledge that does not naturally fall into one of the original four categories. In each case the design knowledge provided in the Preliminary Report is first summarised and then additional Design Knowledge added