Control Model Validation Dataset

The LiftWEC project has published a new public dataset! The dataset can be downloaded from the LiftWEC Zenodo repository here.

The dataset is associated with the LiftWEC H2020 research project deliverables “D3.3 Tool validation and extension report” and “D4.3 Open-access experimental data from 2D LiftWEC tests”. The mathematical model is based on the hypothesis and equations presented in the D3.3, “Section 4. Validation of fundamental hypothesis for global model”. The model has been programmed in Python, and the lift and drag coefficients were derived from the experimental data using the method of the least squares.

The presented data shows a very good validation agreement between the developed model and experimental data in terms of tangential and radial forces generated on hydrofoils. The estimated values of lift and drag coefficients show great potential for wave energy extraction using rotating foils.