D4.3 Open access experimental data from 2D scale model

The experimental test campaign of a two-dimensional model of the LiftWEC concept was carried out in June and July 2021. The 2D model was designed, assembled and commissioned by Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN). The dataset associated with the experimental measurements was uploaded on Zenodo with DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5534471. The model tested is composed of one or two hydrofoils rotating around a horizontal axis, perpendicular to the wave direction. The model was tested in a range of regular and irregular seas. The data contains measurements of the model in the wave tank including; wave elevation measurements, rotor angular position, forces on the hydrofoils, and torque on the power take off. This data is the first of two sets of wave tank data generated for the LiftWEC H2020 research project. This first set consists of results for the device tested in 2D, while the second set will contain results for tests conducted in 3D. For a complete description of the dataset, readers are directed to “LiftWEC Deliverable D4.4. Report on physical modelling of 2D LiftWEC concepts with DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5534520